Saturday, July 26, 2008

Adena Kate 2 months old

Our precious baby girl is now two months old and how we love her so! Mommy and baby have been busy travelling this week to Ohio to visit Adena's grandparents. Adena is a good travelling buddy.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Just a few more days...

Rob and I are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our precious baby girl Adena-Kate. Our due date is May 15th, but it looks like she will be a few more days.

May 2nd was my last day of work, so it has been wonderful running errands and getting my house in tact for our little princess.

I will post more once she arrives.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

28 Weeks and Counting

I am excited to announce that my husband and I are expecting a baby girl on May 15th 2008. It has been about 6 months since I last posted, and that was because we got pregnant, I was tired with morning sickness, and life just got in the way.

I am greatly inspired by my friend Carly who is a faithful blogger. I on the other hand am just happy to check my personal e-mail every night after a long day of work.

Life will change for us in the next few months, but we are very excited. I have posted a few prego shots and pictures of our precious princess.

I promise Carly to start blogging more frequently.